ニューヨーク州出身。 昭49年3月4日生まれ。
13歳の時に初めてサックスを手に取り、その魅力に取りつかれてサックスとフルートを独学。その後テナーサックス奏者Ricky Ford の指導を受けて才能を開花させ19歳でプロデビュー。高校卒業時には Justin Russellジャズ・アワード、 John Phillip Sousa Bandアワード、Louis Armstrongジャズ・アワードを受賞している。
ボストンにある有名音楽校New England Conservatory of Musicの入学許可を受けるが、当時魅力を感じていた日本語を専攻するため他校に入学、卒業後は3年間山口県に住んでいる。
その後アメリカに帰国、「モントレー・ブルース・フェスティバル」への出演窓も果たしているが、日本愛から再び来日して現在は神奈川県在住。日本語も堪能でDavid Sanborn、Bob Mintzer、Kenny Garett、Dave Koz, Joshua Redman、 Lew Tabackin、Candy Dulfurといった著名ミュージシャンの来日時のサックス・クリニックの通訳の依頼を受けることも。
Jason Andres (b. 1974) is from New York and started playing the saxophone at age 13. With the exception of a year under the tutelage of tenor saxophonist Ricky Ford, Jason is a self-taught saxophonist who started his semi-professional career as a musician at age 19. Upon graduation from high school Jason was awarded the Justin Russell Jazz Award, the John Phillip Sousa Band Award as well as the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award and was granted acceptance into the jazz program at the New England Conservatory of Music. However, a strong love of Japan steered him to Brandeis University where he became the first student in the school’s history to graduate with a degree in Japanese language. After a short stint in California working as a saxophonist with several blues bands, Jason entered the Monterey Institute of International Studies where he acquired a Master’s Degree in interpreting and translation. With these credentials and a deep understanding of jazz theory, and the saxophone in particular, Jason started working as an interpreter for clinics and master classes given by such famous saxophonists as Bob Mintzer, David Sanborn, Kenny Garett, Dave Koz, Joshua Redman, Nelson Rangell, Candy Dulfur, Maceo Parker, and countless others in 2007. Jason has spent the last 23 years living in Japan and plays at jazz clubs, hotels, restaurants and various other venues in the Tokyo area
Baritone Sax
Selmer Mark VI 10X,XXX
Mpc: Otto Link Slant Sig 6*
Ligature: Francois Louis
Reeds: Rico Royal, 3 Or Legere Synthetic 2 1/2
Tenor Sax
Selmer Mark VI 97,XXX
Selmer Mark VI 71,XXX
石森管楽器 Woodstone Tenor, Eric Alexander Model
Mpc: Ted Klum Tonamax HR 8
Otto Link Eburnated Bar 6*
Ligature: Francois Louis
Reeds: Woodstone #3
Alto Sax
Selmer Mark VI 22X,XXX
Mpc: Woodstone HR Custom, 6S
Ligature: Francois Louis
Reeds: Rico Select Jazz, 3S
Soprano Sax
H. Couf
Mpc: Selmer Metal Scroll Shank F
Reeds: La Voz, Medium
Altus GPT